<h2>Answer is "True" Generate a new hypothesis</h2>
- Due to the false hypothesis a student create a new hypothesis for the research.the hypothesis gives the objective to the research and the methodology to complete the work.
- If the student doesn't generate the correct the methodology hence, its work is not proficient to the research that's why the student try to do new analysis with new ideas.
- This is because the hypothesis is a conditional explanation about the connection between at least two factors. It is a particular, testable expectation about what you hope to occur in an investigation. For instance, an investigation intended to take a gander at the connection between lack of sleep and test execution may have a hypothesis that expresses, "This examination is intended to evaluate the theory that restless individuals will perform more awful on a test than people who are not sleepless.
- So, the right answer is true "Generate a new hypothesis" is the next step.
Your digestive system absorbs water and nutrients from the food you eat. Your circulatory system carries oxygen, water, and nutrients to cells throughout your body. Wastes from the cells are eliminated by your respiratory system, your excretory system, and your skin.
a vestigial structure
Vestigial structures are a rudimentary (or even functionless) version of a body part, but they have important functions in a closely correlated or evolutionarily close species, an example of which is the presence of eyes in fish of the genus Astyanax. The existence of these vestigial structures is strong evidence that evolution occurs in organisms, since this structure, today without much apparent function, may in the past have been extremely important to the ancestors of that species.
One option is that the samples run through gel electrophoresis is too small to be recognized (shorter strands of DNA travel further through the gel and larger strands travel shorter). The other option in that the restriction enzyme did not cut the DNA in the proper spot or there was a mutation in the bases that allowed for a mistake in the cutting; that is why there are 800 base pairs in one sample (that's a lot) An example of a mutation is that lets say the restriction enzyme was supposed to cut at the second G in GGACC. But if that G was turned into an A, then the restriction enzyme wouldn't cut there.
For number 5, you might have 800 because of the restriction enzyme cutting it wrong, a mutation that allowed for the cutting to not take place, or a fault in the sample taking.
I am an AP Biology student right now in Wisconsin. I just finished that worksheet this morning :) anymore questions just hit me up