The native american came to the new world with the conquistadors. For one spanish conquistador an expedition that began on a texas beach ended with a much different kind of notable attainment than whichever the spanish crown and catholic church perhaps anticipated. The remarkable journey also opened a conversation about unfair benefit and human rights that endures to this day. During the age of exploration, the spanish conquistadors arose to the america in exploration of the three G's: gold, glory, and God. The spanish crown acknowledged the gold and glory and the catholic church acknowledged the converts. A fourth G was typically on the consideration prize list as well: geography. European controls contended dynamically and violently to claim land in the america in command to spread their territories across the oceans.
The first one is zakat obligatory payment made annually under Islamic law on certain kinds of property and used for charitable and religious purposes.
The second one is hajj Hajj is the annual pilgrimage made by Muslims to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, in the Middle East
The third one is salah also known as namāz (from Persian: نماز)), is the second of the five pillars in the Islamic faith as daily obligatory standardized prayers.
The forth one is Sawm fasting from dawn until dusk during Ramadan, one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
The fith one is Shahamada the Muslim profession of faith (“there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”).
I hope this helps
Your welcome :)
If you were to say that everyone had, "Equal protection under the law", that would mean that everyone deserves the same type of treatment, rights, and obviously protection. I hope this helps. Can you please mark as the brainliest, if I've helped? Thank you very much.