Mortgage interest of $7,875 and property taxes of $1,850.
A tax deduction can be defined as the total amount of money that one can deduct to lower their tax liability. More tax deductions always implies a reduced tax liability. In dealing with mortgage payments, tax deductions should be considered carefully to determine how much one tax one needs to pay. The following mortgage expenses are considered for deductions;
1. Mortgage interest
A mortgage interest deduction is a deduction that allows homeowners to subtract the interest on the loan they used to pay for the purchase, improvements or building of a home. In our case, Hilda and Hyatt are liable to a deduction of $7,875.
2. Property tax
In general, state and local property taxes are eligible to be deducted from the federal income taxes of a property owner. The only taxes that are deductible are state, local and foreign taxes levied for public welfare. They do not include services like home renovation and trash collection. The federal tax as of 2018 for property tax was capped at a total of $10,000. This means that any property tax value below $10,000 was eligible to a property tax deduction of that amount.
create a zoom, lol.......
Answer: The deficit is lower when compared to 2010.
The United States Budget for 2010 titled "A New Era of Responsibility: Renewing America's Promise by President Barack Obama's budget in 2010 was $3.456 trillion for expenditure and total revenue was $2.163 which led to a budget deficit of $1.294 trillion.
In 2019, the revenue was $3.422 and expenditure was $4.407 which led to a budget deficit was $985. It can be deduced that there has been a reduction in the budget deficit when compared to 2010.
1. No restrictions on sending their earning profit to their own country
2. It takes maximum of 30 days to complete the entire process of company registration in Maldives
3. The government encourages projects that are environmentally friendly