Errors in compilation happen, or it runs but then doesn't recognize the input. Also you can't transform into other types of variables.
Rootkit is a collection of software tools,mostly malicious.These are mostly used by hackers to obtain administrator permission to a computer by masking intrusion.
Root-kit is made from two word Root and kit.Where root refers to the name of privileged account on an operating system that is somewhat like unix and KIT refers to the tools used.
The instruction cycle (also known as the fetch–decode–execute cycle, or simply the fetch-execute cycle) is the cycle that the central processing unit (CPU) follows from boot-up until the computer has shut down in order to process instructions.
def weeklyPaid(hours_worked, wage):
if hours_worked > 40:
return 40 * wage + (hours_worked - 40) * wage * 1.5
return hours_worked * wage
hours_worked = 50
wage = 100
pay = weeklyPaid(hours_worked, wage)
print(f"Total gross pay: Rs.{pay:.2f} ")
provides gross pay