In the period of the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD), Chang’an before was named Daxing. However, in a later time, the city got new reformations and innovations and was renamed Chang’an by the Tang dynasty administrators which then served as the Tang capital until its collapse in 904 AD.
This ancient imperial capital was the eastern commencement point of the Silk Road. The Silk Road has been of an enormous importance to the trade and cultural exchange to Xi’an (formerly Chang’an) as well as important crossroads for people from entire China, middle east, Rome, and Central Asia. The city thus developed into a hub of diverse ethnic recognition and religious beliefs.
In addition to the above, the tang dynasty manifested a tremendous cultural and religious fluorescence when it grew into a Buddhist learning center and also Taoism, attracting many pilgrims, and other scholars as well as philosophers. This didn’t end only with Buddhism, many other faith denominations emerged such as Nestorian Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism, and later Islam.
therefore, the factors that made the tang cipital of Chang'an a center of culture and trade were mainly A and C; It welcomed foreigners and their beliefs, it was located at one end of the silk Road.
As equações diferenciais lineares de primeira ordem possuem muitas aplicações e é uma das primeiras classes de equações abordadas nos cursos de EDO. A forma mais geral de uma equação diferencial ordinária, linear e de primeira ordem é
{\displaystyle y'+p(x)y=q(x)}, onde
{\displaystyle p} e
q são funções contínuas em um intervalo I.[1]
The term used is "power".
Power is defined as the capacity or ability to influence or control the behavior of other people or the course of events. From a political standpoint, "power" is the amount of control a person or group has in a country.
Power is also the social force that allows a group of selected persons/individuals to mobilize other people and make them act in line with their needs/demands.
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