Insulin lowers blood sugar from the body so that yôu don't get sick
The study of health and disease within a geographic context and from a spatial perspective is medical geography.
God bless!
Because there 4squares and theres 1 recessive, recessive are represented with lowercase
Geologist Alfred Wegner noticed similar rocks & fossils remains were found on Continents which seemed to fit together. He called saw that it was the result of Continental drift and Pangea. Some evidence of the Drift was Rock evidence- Mountain ranges, Glacial scares, Location of coal deposits, ETC..
People couldn't image how the Earth could be millions of years ago. But the 1960's evidence would prove Continental Drift is TRUE and .. the story continues (as all good science!)
Continental drift means that continents move away from each other or separated.
3. naturally occurring
4. fossilized plants or air bubbles ( probably the plants tho)
5. increased
6. the green house effect occurs naturally, it is being polluted both naturally and unnaturally, the unnatural pollution is contaminating our 'greenhouse" and that is horrible.<span />