The thyroid hormones—specific thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) hormones—from the thyroid gland.
Being a good communicator is important in <em>any</em> relationship because communication is key, since you're always "up to date" and on the clock. It is a way of trust and a way of believing. Trust plays an important role in a relationship, but a way of trust, is a way of communicating.
Communication: Communication is "an apparent answer to the painful divisions between self and other, private and public, and inner thought and outer world."
Depends how much was originally in your system and what you are doing to treat it
They should have made sure that someone called 911 first.
Despite being 'certified' (not specified what certification), having the professionals on site to analyse and act should always be the primary objective, AED machines and CPR are supplementary actions to extend the life of the individual until action is able to be taken from professionals such as EMTs
I wouldn't accept especially if I wasn't comfortable doing it. If they would pressure me more, I'd find a close restroom and either call or text someone trust, or i'd get out the situation. Being under peer pressure is a big thing, and not knowing what to do is even worse.