Show how Australia gets more UV light than Brazil by drawing the path UV waves take through the different materials that make up
the atmosphere in each country. Remember that materials can reflect light waves, absorb light waves, refract light waves, or let light waves pass through them.
Solar UV radiation. Australia experiences some of the highest levels of UV radiation in the world because we are close to the equator and have many clear, blue-sky days. The Earth's orbit also brings countries in the southern hemisphere (Australia included) closer to the sun in the summertime than countries in the northern hemisphere during summer.
<em>Homothermy or homeothermy is thermoregulation</em> that keeps up a stable inner internal heat level paying little mind to outside impact
This inside internal heat level is regularly, however not really, higher than <em>the prompt condition </em>
The encompassing <em>temperatures increment,</em> <em>homeotherms </em>utilize evaporative cooling through perspiring as well as gasping to control internal heat levels, and also vasodilate surface <em>blood vessels to promote heat loss</em>