Writer rely on word choice to C. communicate tone.
Tone is the author's attitude toward his or her subject, characters, and readers. It is achieved through word choice (diction), sentence construction and word order (syntax), and by what the viewpoint character or the narrator focuses on. The tone of a piece can be happy, sad, melancholic, sarcastic, etc. The words chosen by the author will help convey such tone. For instance, if a speaker in a poem talks of sunshine, brightness, birds chirping and so on, we can infer the tone of the poem is happy, peaceful.
Reduce pollution so the environment can be clean
As the substance melts the particles have a higher chance of colliding with one another and also move much faster than when the substance is solid. This is because the particles have a higher surface area to move around. Also the arrangements of particles are free.
Bullying can make the victim less focused on school work.
Bullying can make the victim feel ugly and unwanted.
Bullying can make the victim feel hopeless and they give up on trying.
Bullying can lead to low self image.
Bullying can lead to eating disorders and self harm.
Bullying can lead to the lack of will to live.
Bullying can cause stress to the victim which can lead to headaches and other illnesses.
Wovoka is known as the messiah who spread the the Ghost Dance movement throughout U.S and Canada. He was a Paiute religious prophet who prophesied the end of the white men leaving the native lands to the native people.
Wovoka preached about a new age where the natives would have their land to themselves for spiritual renewal and immortal life. The Ghost Dance initiated by him was a practice to preserve traditional Native American culture and as a form of resistance against U.S. policy and American culture.