A. Boyle's Law
B. Charles' Law
C. Gay-Lussac's Law
An air bag inflates due to the decomposition of sodium azide or NaN₃ to completely fill the bag with nitrogen gas which is an example of Boyle's law, which states that the pressure of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to its volume, hence due to the estricted volume of the airbag, the pressure of the nitrogen gas in the bag increses protecting the occupants of a cr from injuries in a crash
Helium balloon decrease in sice in a freezer is an example of Charlles law which states that the volume of a given mass of gas is nverslely proportionl to its temperature at constant pressure
A can of spray paint will explode if tossed into a fire is an example of Gay-Lussac's Law which states that the pressure of a given mass of gas is directly proportional to its temperature hence the increased pressure causes the can ti explode
Diamagnetism in atom occurs whenever two electrons in an orbital paired equalises with a total spin of 0.
Paramagnetism in atom occurs whenever at least one orbital of an atom has a net spin of electron. That is a paramagnetic electron is just an unpaired electron in the atom.
Here is a twist even if an atom have ten diamagnetic electrons, the presence of at least one paramagnetic electron, makes it to be considered as a paramagnetic atom.
Simply put paramagnetic elements are one that have unpaired electrons, whereas diamagnetic elements do have paired electron.
The atomic orbital and radius increases by gaining electron linearly so even electron numbered atoms are diamagnetic while the odd electron numbered atoms are paramagnetic.
Running through the first 18 elements one can observe that there is an alternative odd number of electrons and an even number proofing that that half of the first 18 elements shows paramagnetism and diamagnetism respectively.
Krypton is a fictional planet, get back to earth superman.