Global Marketing refers to the processes by which goods,services,capital,people,information,and ideas flow across national borders.
We operate in a world called global village,where time and location do not really impact doing businesses anymore, as people from different countries that are far apart, can do business without the need to physically meet, using different channels of communication made possible by advancement in technology.
Organizations,as the need to for businesses to sell its produce to a larger number of customers increases, are constantly considering selling to customers who are based in other countries through global marketing techniques.
A distributor is a whole seller nominated by a company to most times exclusively redistribute the company products to all retailers and institutions in a designated territory.
A distribution may be required under three circumstances:
-for entering into a new town.
-for additional coverage in the same town.
-for replacing an existing distributor.
The expectations from the distributors must be defined right at the beginning so that the perspective candidates can be advised and secondly to get the right kind of distributors.
A popular manuscript format during the Gothic period was the <u>Moralized Bible</u>, <span>which paired selected scriptural passages with interpretations, using pictures and words to convey the message.
Its original name is </span><span>Bible moralisée, also known as biblia pauperum (Paupers' Bible), which is a type of a Bible with illustrations for the majority of poor people who couldn't read at the time. The Church still wanted to educate even the poor about the events of the Bible, but given that they couldn't read, they introduced pictures to help them out.</span>
A) 0.0618
Variance is given by:

Where 'Xi' is the value for each term 'i' in the sample of size 'n' and μ is the sample mean.
The mean investment return is:

The variance is:

The variance of the returns on this investment is A) 0.0618.