When you move the decimal point one place to the left, you are moving the second by a factor of 10.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Ericsson is claimed to increase the likelihood of a baby girl ;
Given the alternative hypothesis to buttress this claim :
HA : p>0.5
In other to establish the success of Ericsson's claim, then there must be significant evidence to reject the Null hypothesis ; hence adopt the alternative.
To Do this, we need a very small Pvalue ; such that it will be lesser than the α - value in other to reject the Null and adopt the alternative.
Recall ;
Pvalue < α ; We reject the Null
Therefore, from the options, we choose the smallest Pvalue as we want the Pvalue to be as small as possible.
hypotenuse aka the longest line on a right angle
Step-by-step explanation:
Set is a well defined collection of objects .
We can express set in roaster form or set - builder form
<u>Roaster Form</u>
We express elements within curly brackets using commas between the elements .
<u>Set Builder Form</u>
In set builder form , all the elements of the set possess a common property which is not possess by elements outside the set .
We describe the elements of set using a symbol x which is followed by a colon . After colon , we write property possessed by the element and then enclosed the description within curly brackets .
(a)The set of all humans whose first name is Tanya or Nelson
We need to write this one in set builder form .
Define set as follows : { x ∈ H : H is set of all the humans and x is either Tanya or Nelson }
(0.7465 , 0.8429 )
Step-by-step explanation:
Confidence Level - "P" values
90% 1.645
Confidence Interval - "P" values
(0.7465 , 0.8429 )