This is an example of post reinforcement pause
Post reinforcement pause has to do with the pause that follows the delivery of the reinforcer, Elise in this case.
Generally speaking,the alertness of people increases as the due date for a task approaches as their attention is completely focused on the task ahead,because the task could be a mar or make activity.
Mar or make means the task would either leave the person worse off or better off,no doubt a rational human being would prefer being better off after completing the task,however the alertness reduces to lowest ebb as soon as the task is taken care of.
A slow change such as continents moving will create differences in ecosystems. This is also the same effect caused by a rapid change such a meteorite striking earth. These two phenomena will create diversity and different living conditions. The slow change however, will give organisms time to adopt giving them a good chance of survival unlike a rapid change which will give most, if not all, organisms little chance to survive.
Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems.
espero que esto ayude,
No soy tan buena en español pero quiero explicar más o menos
Los votantes eligen un tercio de los senadores y cada miembro de la Cámara de Representantes. Las elecciones intermedias ocurren a mitad de camino entre las elecciones presidenciales. ... Las elecciones al Congreso utilizan el voto popular para elegir ganadores. No usan el Colegio Electoral, que se usa en las elecciones presidenciales.
(Además del poder descrito anteriormente, el Congreso comparte poderes con el presidente en asuntos tales como, enmarcar la política exterior de Y el control sobre el ejército. Por ejemplo, mientras el presidente negocia tratados, solo se ponen en vigencia una vez que el Senado los aprueba.)
A. The presence or absence of vodka in the orange juice
This test is been called the memory test in which it would be grouped in different groups and can take a little time which starts from five minutes till as much as it can last. Here, some skills like memory are the first to go when we're tired. This test assesses your ability to remember how long ago something happened to your memory. If you're tired you won't be as good at remembering when you saw or did something. This is a timed memory test designed to test your ability to quickly store and recall small items of everyday information. It's not easy and very few people have a memory agile enough to score over 80%. The memory test will take under five minutes.