Answer: The correct answer is B; Manageable of Span Control.
The ideal ratio is just 1:5, however this is just the ideal ratio and not a requirement. This is the amount of people that should be under a supervisor during an incident. FEMA has these ideal ratios so when there is an emergency, everything can be controlled without being chaotic and is organized. This helps the manager be effective in managing his/her subordinates.
The other departments within NIMS management are the Modular organization, Management by Objectives, Chain of Command, and Unity of Command.
A deity is a: C, god or goddess
Answer: They will run away and feel fear / emotion as a reaction to their bodily physiological changes
Explanation: According to the James Lange theory, for someone to feel an emotion, in this case an emotion of fear, one must first experience the physiological changes that can be accelerated heartbeat, rapid and deep breathing and the like, which are caused by an outward appearance say a danger such as a bear in this case, watching a horror file etc. In doing so, emotion is the equivalent to a physiologically experience, which again depends on the external danger or occurrence in question.
The Mexican War was seen as a southern plot because the expansion of slavery across the southwest would add slave states to the country.
- It was believed that the Mexican War was a deliberate initiative of the leaders of the south with a view to acquire the Mexican land so that new slave states would be to the union.
- This was to make the side of the southern states stronger as far as withstanding the issue of the abolishment of slavery was concerned.
Answer: Based on the concept of scarcity, they should be concerned about the amount of energy they have to sell and the supplies to clean the cars.
Q:Where will unsold energy drinks be stored?
A: They should consider the amount of space they currently have. If there is not enough room they can be consumed or thrown away if they go bad.
Q: Is there enough consumer demand for a car wash?
A: Make sure that people in your area actually NEED a carwash. There would be no need to have one if nobody would pay for one.
Q: Will the concession stand be open during the big game?
A: Chances are you will have competitors during your sale. Make sure your prices are reasonable and that you have something the attract people to your business.
Q: Are there enough volunteers to work a car wash?
A: Make sure everyone is in agreement of the plan. If nobody wants to do anything nothing will get done and nobody wins.