a forecast of a person's future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances, based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person's birth.
Tatum o'neal. She won one at the age of 10.
Awnser : john adams, Karl marx,, George washing, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander hamilton, john Jay, john madison
Major characteristics may include Red being a warm color, tends to be slightly dark a lot of the time. Blue, being a cool color, tends to be very dark in terms of paint. This also has something to do with the oils used to make the paint. Sometimes, they have a little bit of coloration, which can effect the color outcome. This is one of the reasons you can rarely get a blaring bright color. Another characteristic is that a lot of the time red paint tends to be thinner than blue paint, as warm colors are thinner than cool colors. This has something to do with the Pigment being used. The darker the pigment, the thicker it is. Though sometimes paint tends to be very thick. This is done by adding more pigment. Also, making paint thinner includes adding more Oil. So, Pigment is thickness, and Oil is thin. These are the major characteristics used in each personality type of color! Hope this helped!