Según el número de ácidos grasos, se distinguen tres tipos de estos lípidos: los monoglicéridos, que contienen una molécula de ácido graso. los diglicéridos, con dos moléculas de ácidos grasos. los triglicéridos, con tres moléculas de ácidos grasos.
The menstrual cycle is complex and controlled by many different glands and the hormones that these glands produce.
The four(4) phases of the menstrual cycle are:
(1) menstruation.
(2) the follicular phase.
(3) ovulation .
(4)the luteal phase.
Common menstrual problems include heavy or painful periods and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Yes she was drinking chicken blood of form of witchcraft.
1) autosomal dominant
2) autosomal recessive
3) X-linked dominant
4) X-linked recessive
The Tower Karst <span>represents the most advanced stage of erosion.</span>