left ventricle
left ventricle pumps oxygen rich blood to the body (away from the heart, so through the arteries)
Opponents of GMOs have been unceasing in their campaign to vilify genetically modified foods by describing them as “Frankenfoods,” thus implying they are not natural and are potentially harmful.
“The practice of introducing new DNA and chemicals to seeds or animals (Aqua Advantage has developed a GMO fish) is similar to how Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein created his monster–—through piecing together lots of different organisms,” wrote the Organic Authority on its website—a common allusion in the anti-GMO world. “We all know what happened when the monster turned on Frankenstein, and many critics of genetic engineering have likened the inevitable backlash of GMO technology to the destruction and murderous rampage of Frankenstein’s monster.”
Many anti-GMO articles that warn of the dangers GM crops are often accompanied by an image of a tomato fruit or vegetable with syringes sticking out of them. Very often it is a fruit or vegetable for which there is no current GM equivalent such as a tomato. This depiction is used to reinforce the notion that GM foods are created in laboratories and not by nature and therefore are dangerous to consume.
With the constant barrage of scare-based imagery, it is not surprising that there is widespread public suspicion that GMOs are dangerous to human health. But there is little controversy surrounding GMOs within the scientific community with 88 percent of the members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science believing GMOs are “generally safe.” The safety of GMOs were once again reinforced by the May 2016 report by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, which concluded, there was “reasonable evidence that animals were not harmed by eating food derived from genetically engineered crops”, and epidemiological data indicated there was no increase in cancer or other health related problems associated with these crops entering our food supply.
David Zilberman, a professor of agriculture and resource economics at the University of California, Berkley, has noted that Frankenfood was “a terrible word, a stigmatization word, one that’s used to scare people… People are afraid of GMOs for little or no reason. GM is simply a tool. Because it allows us to modify plants with far greater precision and control then before, it will be very valuable.”
The reality is that the vast bulk of the foods we consume whether organic or conventionally grown have had their genetics altered in the field or in a laboratory via a process of selective breeding or advanced biotechnology techniques, and all such foods are safe to eat. The altering of genes in plants is even known to occur naturally as highlighted by the sweet potato.
An enzyme refers to a kind of protein found inside a cell. The enzymes result in the chemical reactions within the body. The function to accelerate the rate of chemical reaction in order to support life. The enzymes in the body assist in performing very essential functions. These comprise eradicating toxins, building muscle, and dissociating particles of food at the time of digestion.
Enzymes are needed for performing the proper function of the digestive system. Digestive enzymes are primarily produced in the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. However, even salivary glands generate digestive enzymes in order to dissociate the molecules of food at the time of chewing.
There are three prime kinds of digestive enzymes, which are classified on the basis of the reactions they catalyze. These are protease, amylase, and lipase.
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Since the
speed of many physiological processes in marine organisms is determined by the
temperature, the first consequence of the changes in the conditions of the
medium becomes offset the timing of seasonal events, such as the timing of
spawning fish. There have also offset migration routes and spawning areas. So,
as a result of warming in the Sea of Japan, spawning navaga shifted to an
earlier date, because of the reduction of the area of "cold spots"
in the eastern Bering Sea shelf feeding migration of pollock, halibut and crab
are lengthened, but because of the temperature rise to the east of Japan,
spawning saury expanding. These changes significantly affect the success of
reproduction, resulting in changes populations of their fishery.