The environmental effects of harmful practices on private property are not essentially restricted to private property, it can also affect public property. Water polluted on private property might stream down into a local river or an aquifer used for public purposes like drinking water or for recreational parks (swimming pools). Landowners who slaughter travelling animals on their property are putting an end to creatures that are part of a bigger ecosystem; the loss of these animals will affect all the ecosystems along the migration route.
Volcanic eruptions spew alot of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases when mixed with rain and run into oceans increase their pH. Additionally, these gases are greenhouse gases that increases atmospheric temperatures and consequently those of the seas and oceans.
Low pH and high temperatures kill marine life.
It responsible for increased anxiety attacks ..
For me because some women that time think that they never were get a child their own
(1) by increasing carbon dioxide and decreases oxygen