I think it’s subordinate since it can’t stand on its own. Subordinates add more information to the sentence.
1.Answer:My full name is so difficult,so call me jay so my friend for short
2.Answer:This coffee Is too hot for me drink it
3.Answer:Helen bought a motorbike In order not to get stuck in traffic jams
4.Answer:We failed to win the competition in spite of trying really hard
5.Answer:We use the knife to cut onions
6.Answer:Take my gloves if as it may get colder
7.Answer:The theft to the valuable painting are investigating the police
8.Answer:Every month Alan goes at the Amalfi Salon
The first challenges to confront Frodo dramatize his inexperience. He is indecisive, delaying his departure from the Shire as long as possible even though he knows the task is urgent. He opts to risk the dangers of the Old Forest, nearly getting himself and his friends killed — twice. He behaves foolishly in Bree, drawing unnecessary attention to himself. And he gives in to the temptation to put on the Ring at Weathertop, making himself vulnerable to the Ringwraiths' attack.
Nevertheless, Frodo survives both the obvious dangers and his own mistakes. The novel attributes his success to two main factors. First, as Gandalf is fond of pointing out, hobbits are tougher than they look, and simple toughness — the ability to endure hardship and move past it — goes a long way in this struggle. Second, Frodo does not want and never sought the power of the Ring, meaning that he continues to resist its lure. Although he lapses momentarily at Weathertop, he reiterates his commitment to resist at the Ford of Bruinen. Heroism does not require perfection, only the aspiration to do good.
The Woman Romeo loves is Julliette
Please Mark brainliest!!!
D. Around campus, everyone is talking about the movies based on
Tolkien's trilogy
doesn't disprove or approve of the topic sentence, making this sentence irrelevant to the paragraph