Answer: hope that helped
Explanation: Between 1895 and 1898 Cuba and the Philippine Islands revolted against Spain. The Cubans gained independence, but the Filipinos did not. In both instances the intervention of the United States was the culminating event.
In 1895 the Cuban patriot and revolutionary, José Martí, resumed the Cuban struggle for freedom that had failed during the Ten Years' War (1868-1878). Cuban juntas provided leadership and funds for the military operations conducted in Cuba. Spain possessed superior numbers of troops, forcing the Cuban generals Máximo Gómez and Antonio Maceo, to wage guerrilla warfare in the hope of exhausting the enemy. Operations began in southeastern Cuba but soon spread westward. The Spanish Conservative Party, led by Antonio Cánovas y Castillo, vowed to suppress the insurrectos, but failed to do so.
The Cuban cause gained increasing support in the United States, leading President Grover Cleveland to press for a settlement, but instead Spain sent General Valeriano Weyler to pacify Cuba. His stern methods, including reconcentration of the civilian population to deny the guerrillas support in the countryside, strengthened U.S. sympathy for the Cubans. President William McKinley then increased pressure on Spain to end the affair, dispatching a new minister to Spain for this purpose. At this juncture an anarchist assassinated Cánovas, and his successor, the leader of the Liberal Party Práxedes Mateo Sagasta, decided to make a grant of autonomy to Cuba and Puerto Rico. The Cuban leadership resisted this measure, convinced that continued armed resistance would lead to independence.
the speaker of the house does not have to be an elected member of the house of reresentitives and because the speaker is next to become president it has more power than the president of the senate
Ramadan is important to Muslims because it celebrates when the Qur'an was first given to the prophet Muhammed.
In the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset daily for a month to draw closer to God, or Allah in Arabic.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Explique por qué el poder ejecutivo tiene tantos controles sobre los poderes que tiene. ¿De qué querían estar seguros los primeros estadounidenses?
Los Padres fundadores como Benjamín Franklin, Alexander, Hamilton, James Madison o Thomas Jefferson, fueron conscientes de que el gobierno federal de la nueva nación -los Estados Unidos- debería constituirse bajo un esquema de división de poderes que equilibrara a los tres niveles del gobierno federal: el Ejecutivo, e Legislativo y el Judicial.
Por esa razón, los Padres Fundadores quería estar seguros de que en realidad existiera siempre un equilibrio entre esos tres poderes. Entonces fue que crearon el sistema que llamaron "checks and balances," que pudiera traducirse al Español como "el sistema que regula y equilibra el poder de los tres niveles de gobierno.
El objetivo era claro, que ninguno de los tres poderes tuviera más facultades que los otros dos.
Es decir, que hubiera mecanismos legales para que el Congreso controlara a la Suprema Corte de Justicia, y ésta a su vez al Congreso. Lo mismo con el Presidente, que tuviera poderes sobre el Congreso, pero que el Congreso también tuviera facultades sobre el Presidente.
<em>Much has been said of the impropriety of representing slaves. But representation and taxation go together. </em>
D. The Three-Fifths Compromise