You forgot to include the excerpt you want made more objective. Also please include answers if you have them. Thanks.
Hi luv! Traveling is different from what it was in the 1800s. Back then, we didn't have cars yet which would mean that people had to either A. Walk every where or B. Ride a horse/ horse and carriage. We now have cars which helps us travel from point a to point b in a shorter amount of time than what it would be back then. We also now have planes which can make us go from point a to point b in hours instead of having to travel months on boats. Have a nice day!
One day at school I was playing with my friends on the soccer field. It was lunch time, so it was very hot and the sun was very hot so there were few of us who went out to the patio.
We head to the goal nets to capture the little shade. There was a little bird that had fallen from somewhere. We took it and took it inside the school to raise it but in the sky there was a bird flying overhead, maybe it was the mother of the baby.
So we decided to launch it so that it would take flight but it just pushed off and fell.
The bird died from the impact and the mother pecked us, we ran inside.
The teacher had observed everything and punished us for interfering in nature, because if we had left the abe in its place, the mother would have picked it up.
Answer: The self-care strategies mentioned in the article lead to good physical and mental health. For instance, getting good hours of sleep keep you mentally fit and having a balanced diet helps in improved physical health