To put yourself in the shoes of others and grow your capacity for empathy, you can hardly do better than reading fiction. Multiple studies have shown that imagining stories helps activate the regions of your brain responsible for better understanding others and seeing the world from a new perspective.
NO, not at all
Think about this. He was a black man going against an all-white jury during a highly prejudiced time in history. His destiny was determined the moment that he was accused of a crime. Out of all things, he was accused of assaulting and taking advantage of a white women. This was one of the highest forms of disrespect, and would not be tolerated. The jury didn't care about whether he actually did it or not. At this point in time, the word of a black man were worth as much as a fleck of dust...nothing. Even if he was not found guilty he would still experience major persecution simply for being accused. So no, sadly, Tom never stood a chance.
The skepticism is characterized by an atittude of doubting, questioning and/or not believing something or someone.
As we can see in “Of Cannibals”, Montaigned used skepticism to justify his arguments on his opinion about clever people. For instance:
1) “They never show you things as they are” – The author also said that clever people “cannot help altering history a little”, and then he says that they never show things as they really are; meaning that since he believes that clever people tend to change facts and information, the consequence of it is that their speech isn’t 100% honest. Therefore, he is skeptical when it comes to the true nature of those facts.
2) (...) And to give credence to their judgement and attract you to it, they are prone to add something to the matter, to strecht it out or amplify it” – Now the author claims that clever people try to convince others by adding details or facts to what actually happened. He believes that once the fact is amplified, it gets more attention and credit. In this case, he is being skeptical in regards to judgements and opinions, suggesting that clever people aren’t really honest in their judgements as they want others to “buy their ideas” and because of it they will tell things in a way that will persuade people to do what they want and believe what they say.
“I felt odd and had the smell of bacon running through my nose when suddenly I had the instinct to wake up and follow the smell. When I sprung to my feet I realized I had paws instead of hands and thought I was dreaming until I discovered that I had turned into a dog! It freaked me out at first but then I remembered how easy dogs have it. It took me awhile to figure out how to walk with four legs but then I was quickly trotting towards the smell of bacon and found myself in my own kitchen watching my (mom, dad, roommate etc.) cooking bacon. Everything was great until they yelled “Who are you? I don’t have a dog, get out!” I was shoed outside and confused as ever. I sat outside and pondered what my next move would be and how I had turned into a dog and how do I turn back into myself…. You can add stuff or change things but I hope this helps!
What is he actually saying? Is he saying that he took 18000 dollars and that is not only legally or morally wrong? Is he saying that he took 18000 dollars and that it was secretly given and secretly handled and that in return, he granted special favors to the people who gave him the money? Is he actually admitted doing that?
From this part of the speech, we don't know. Nixon was so slimy that you need the rest of the speech to know what he did and what he's admitting to. But what he is saying is that if he could buy a new GM product with the money and not declare what he had done, then he was wrong both morally and legally.
So what's wrong? The problem is if his next statement is that it was for expenses occurred and he can flap a receipt in the face of his accusers, he has shown them to be rats and much worse than he is.
And if he actually did take the 18000 for personal reasons, then he is on his way to getting the sympathy he needs to beat the charge. And the Democrats loose even if they are right. He shows himself to be a decent honorable man no matter which answer is true.