That is true but something is wrong with your teacher
1. What were some groups that support slavery in the mid-1700s?
The cotton industry in the South of the United States in 1700 caused a great movement in favor of slavery. This was because the slaves represented cheap labor. Its owners benefited greatly from this process.
This was the reason why much of the southern United States defended slavery. This decision separated the country into slavery states and free states through the Mason-Dixon line, which separated Maryland and Delaware (slavers) and Pennsylvania (free).
2. What were some groups that began to fight slavery in the mid-1700s?
The first manifestations against the slavery gained importance in the middle of the XVIII century. The role of free African-Americans was essential since they encouraged emancipation from their political and social position. They wanted to end the slave trade, to finally abolish slavery in the United States.
3. Why did people begin to question the worth of slavery?
Teorists like the French philosopher Rousseau began to question the morality of slavery, a process of strong disputes began in America. The slave trade from Africa to America was significant between 1400 and 1800, a historical phenomenon that marked the genesis of millions of families around the world.
They were the reflections of Europeans and American people who argued that slavery went against the law of God and human decency that began to question the trafficking of people.
It was Barack Obama’s Mother. She was named Stanley Ann Dunham. As she says she was named after her father because he wanted a son. But other relatives said that her mother named her after actress Bette Davis’ character from the film “In this our life” because she was her favorite actress and she thought that name Stanley as girl’s name will sound more mature. She was teased a lot because of her name. after she went to college she was known by her middle name Ann Dunham.
Early 1800s africa west were under european control .
Correct answer:
<h2>False</h2><h3 />
"Executive privilege" refers to a privilege held by the <u>EXECUTIVE</u> branch of government. The Supreme Court heads the judicial branch. The President heads the executive branch.
The Constitution of the United States asserts (in Article II, Section 1): "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America." The role of chief executive means that the President holds the primary administrative role in the federal government.
According to National Public Radio (NPR), "Nowhere does the Constitution mention the term or the concept of executive privilege." That hasn't stopped Presidents from asserting they have such a privilege. NPR notes that "President Dwight Eisenhower was the first president to coin the phrase 'executive privilege,' but not the first to invoke its principle: namely, that a president has the right to withhold certain information from Congress, the courts or anyone else — even when faced with a subpoena." Already in the administration of our first president, George Washington, such a claim was made. In that instance, Washington lost the argument and was required to hand over documents that Congress had requested about an expedition against American Indian tribes along the Ohio River.