Since {v1,...,vp} is linearly dependent, there exist scalars a1,...,ap, with not all of them being 0 such that a1v1+a2v2+...+apvp = 0. Using the linearity of T we have that
a1*T(v1)+a2*T(v1) + ... + ap*T(vp) = T(a1v19+T(a2v2)+...+T(avp) = T(a1v1+a2v2+...+apvp) = T(0) = 0.
Since at least one ai is different from 0, we obtain a non trivial linear combination that eliminates T(v1) , ..., T(vp). That proves that {T(v1) , ..., T(vp)} is a linearly dependent set of W.
So, 9 out of 10 students prefer class, so, obviously, it would not be 100. It would be 150. So in conclusion, 50 students prefer lunch over math class, whilst 150 other students prefer math class over lunch.
See the explanation
Step-by-step explanation:
When the numerator is less than the denominator, the result is always less than 1, that is 0. something and this will give a percentage less than 100, but when the numerator is greater than the denominator, th result is greater than 1, and any figure greater than 1 gives a percentage that is greater than 100
Numerator >Denominator
Numerator <Denominator