Electricity is added to recharge a battery. A third phosphate group is added to ADP to form ATP.
ATP or Adenosine triphosphate contains adenine, ribose and 3 phosphate groups.
ADP is converted to ATP by the following reaction:
The analogy between battery and ATP can be explained as ATP is higher energy form and ADP is lower energy form like charged and uncharged form of the battery. When the terminal or third phosphate is removed from the ATP it becomes ADP and releases energy like a battery. The additional phosphate group when added to ADP forms the ATP molecule like the energy spent by the batteries are recharged by putting in additional energy. Here the additional energy is provided by the third phosphate group.
Answer: Subarachnoid
The space in the meninges below the arachnoid membrane and above the pia mater contains the cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by choriod plexus( a cluster of capillaries) from the blood. Blood vessels traveling within the subarachnoid space deliver oxygen and nutrients to the spinal cord.
The correct answer is that "she was suffering from cervical cancer".
Henrietta Lacks was known to be <span>an African-American </span>female<span> whose </span>cancer<span> cells are the </span>source<span> of the HeLa </span>cellular<span> line, </span>the primary<span> immortalized </span>cellular<span> line and </span>one of the most important cellular lines<span> in </span>scientific studies<span>. An immortalized </span>cell<span> line will reproduce indefinitely </span>beneath particular conditions<span>, and the HeLa </span>cell<span> line </span>continues to be<span> a </span>source<span> of </span>helpful clinical records<span> to the </span><span>contemporary</span>
The cell membrane folds upon itself easily, which facilitates cellular reproduction by mitosis.
<span>The membrane is a flexible, fluid mosaic and changes shape easily to create holes for substances to move in and out of the cell. </span>
<span>The outer layer of the membrane is hydrophilic, which allows water to flow in and out of the cell easily to eliminate waste. </span>
<span>The proteins that are embedded in the cell membrane act as channels to transport substances in and out of the cell.</span>
The higher the Resistance, the lower the current. So if the resistance is 5 and 10 then the 10 ohm resistor has the lower current.