The main difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell is that, eukaryotes contain membrane bound organelles like nucleus where as prokaryotes do not. The genetic material is present at the center and is called nucleoid in prokaryotes.
Example of prokaryotes include bacteria and archea bacteria. Examples of eukaryotes include plants and animals. Prokaryotes lack organelles such as mitochondria, endoplasmic resticulum and lysosomes which are present in eukaryotes. Both the groups contain ribosomes but its 70s ribosome in prokaryotes and 80s ribosomes in eukaryotes.
There are two main reasons. First, there are introns and exons existed in eukaryotes. Introns do not contain the genetic information but are in large amount in chromosome. So, if the mutation occurs in the introns, it will be recessive. Second, one amino acid will corresponding to several base sequences. For example, UUU and UUC all represent Phe. This is called degeneracy. So if the mutation did not change the amino acid, it is also recessive.
During crossing over, part of one chromosome is exchanged with another. The result is a hybrid chromosome with a unique pattern of genetic material. Gametes gain the ability to be genetically different from their neighboring gametes after crossing over occurs.