The geographical advantages are:
- It located near many ports
This make Arabian peninsula become a lucrative locations for traders as a point of entry and exit to sell their products.
- The Arabian Peninsula is a strategic region that connected three continents Africa, Asia, and Europe)
Because of this, empire that controlled the Arabian peninsula have a lot of target market to sell their products, This become of one of the main factors of Roman empire's economic growth.
- Many regions of the Arabian Peninsula were perfect for agriculture.
They have a good amount of water reserves and soils that contain high level of nutrients for plants.
The answer is: [B]: "requirements research" .
According to The History of China, the number of monks in China grew to over 500,000 during Mongol rule. Kublai Khan contributed to the growth of China's economy by reopening and improving trading route
Sir Edward Burnett Tylor was an English anthropologist,the founder of cultural anthropology.