They would possibly not be able to do certain things anymore
Foreign policy
because foreign policy is when a government puts it's interest in the world politics
Answer and explanation:
When assisting with the physical exam of a 1-year-old child, I believe that what the nurse would most possibly find something worth to be concerned about is, for example, the fact that a 1 year old child, a pre-schooler, has high levels of blood pressure.
The number representing the beginning of the Reconstruction is 10, mostly in reference to the Ten Percent Plan.
This was a programme annonced by President Abraham Lincoln before the end of the Civil War, in 1863.
This reconstruction plan would allow a Confederate state to form a new local government and be readmitted to the U.S. Congress if 10% of their citizens agreed to take an oath of loyalty to the Union. These 10% would also receive amnesty.
The Ten Percent Plan also suggested a transition from slavery to freedom for newly-freed black laborers by making them work for one year on Louisiana plantations, being paid $10 a month.