A lot of these words are derived from the Greek or Latin roots that mean what the word is used to mean in English. It's helpful to look up the etymology or understand what these roots mean because they come up all the time and in different combinations. This way you can look at a word you've never seen before and know what it means by breaking it down into its component parts.
1. Surgical puncture to remove fluid = centesis
2. Inflammation = itis
3. Abnormal hardening = sclerosis
4. Surgical removal = ectomy
5. Vomit = emesis
6. Infection = sepsis
7. Involuntary contraction = spasm
8. Surgical opening = stomy
9. Specialist in = ologist
10. Process of recording = graphy
11. Instrument that records = graph
12. Oxygen = oxia
13. Seizure attack = ictal
14. Paralysis = plegia
15. Surgical repair = plasty
16. Disease = pathy
17. Study of = logy
18. Tumor = oma
19. Enlargement = megaly
20. Breathing = pnea
21. Malignant tumor = sarcoma
22. Narrowing = stenosis
23. Swallowing or eating = phagia
Rhinoplasty = surgical repair of the nose
Ateriosclerosis = abnormal hardening of the arteries
Neuropathy = disease of the nervous system
Postictal = after a seizure attack
Distributive justice, also known as economic justice, is about fairness in what people receive, from goods to attention.The principle of fairness is also found in the idea of fair play (as opposed to the fair share of distributive justice).Retributive justice works on the principle of punishment, although what constitutes fair and proportional punishment is widely debatedThe first thing that the betrayed person may seek from the betrayer is some form of restitution, putting things back as they should be.
That said, here's the step-by-step doffing method the CDC recommends on its website:
Remove gloves. ...
Remove gown. ...
Healthcare personnel may now exit patient room.
Perform hand hygiene.
Remove face shield or goggles. ...
<h3>Remove and discard respirator (or facemask if used instead of respirator).</h3>
Eye trouble is one of them.