the climate of San Francisco is influenced by the Pacific Ocean. The cool California current comes from the north. Upwelling brings cold water from the deep. So the water offshore is cold.
Siberia is a vast region, mostly in the territory of Russia, and it is divided into three large regions.
Western Siberian Plain/Lowland
Located between the Ural Mountains and the Yenisei River. Occupies the western part of Siberia, and it is mostly composed of lowlands covered with dense forest, the taiga. The northern part is dominated by the tundra.
<em>Central Siberian Plateau
Located between the Yenisei River and the Lena River. Occupies the central part of Siberia, and it is mostly dominated by a plateau which gains in height on the southern part and is lowering on the northern part. The lower parts are covered with the taiga, while the higher are barren. The northern part is dominated by the tundra.
<em>East Siberian Highlands
Located between the Lena River and the Pacific Ocean. Occupies the eastern part of Siberia, and the dominated land forms are the mountains, mostly the Kolyma Mountains. Depending on the elevation, the lower parts are covered with the taiga, while the higher are barren. The northern part is dominated by the tundra.
The F u k u s h i m a nuclear accident gave ''wind in the back'' to the opponents of the production of nuclear energy because of the dangers from it.
Nuclear energy is produced via nuclear reactors. They are very expensive to be constructed and maintained, but the expenses are balanced very quickly because the nuclear reactors produce much more energy than any other type of facility for this purpose. It is also the cleanest and most environmentally friendly from any major type of production of energy.
Unfortunately, the production of nuclear energy doesn't come without risks. Even though very rare, accidents do happen, and when they do they cause much more damage than any other facilities for the production of energy. A more recent example is the accident in F u k u s h i m a, Japan, which resulted in a large-scale movement of people out of the area, abandoning of everything in the surroundings, and the area will not be suitable for usage for a very, very long time because of the very high levels of radiation. The opponents of nuclear energy production used this accident to make a point, especially cause it was one that happened in one of the most advanced countries, and what kind of consequences it had there, let alone if it happened in other parts of the world.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Las características de estos instrumentos son los siguientes.
El mapa, es la representación gráfica pero más sencilla de un lugar. Podríamos decir que es la descripción simplificada de un sitio, que incluye información métrica. El mapa es el documento básico que usamos para localizar un territorio determinado.
Las cartas sirven a la Geografía representando escalas con mayor detalle. Esto las diferencia de los mapas. En las cartas se pueden representar relieves más finos, incluyendo curvaturas.
Los planos son una herramienta muy útil en la cartografía porque son representaciones o descripciones que ayudan a la Geografía a describir extensiones de territorios a pequeñas escala.
En el caso del globo terráqueo, éste básicamente es usado por los profesores en las escuelas como un respaldo académico, cuyo objeto es enseñarle a los estudiantes las características generales de nuestro planeta. Es una manera lúdica y participativa de enseñar las curvatura de la tierra, los nombres de los continentes, los océanos, entre otras cosas.