Answer: They had to be surveyed and divided.
The Land Ordinance of 1785 was used in the establishment of the ownership of land that were in the west. The Land Ordinance of 1785 allowed for scientific surveying of lands and then a subdivision of the lands.
Subdivision of lands Land were based on the rectangular grid system. The lands had to be surveyed and divided before the were sold.
After the end of the apartheid, South Africa changed significantly, with the black population gaining all the rights that they deserved and were neglected for very long time. Unfortunately, that was not the only change. The country entered a new political era, and lot of politicians in this nation were without proper education or experience in politics. This led to large scale corruption, thus the economy of the country started to slow down in its development. Another big problem was and still is that some of the leaders are propagating racism, and they motivate the black population to take revenge on the white population for the past and exterminate them. This has led to lot of sexual violations, murders, and destruction of properties of white people in South Africa, so instead of the problem with the racism being solved, it actually just changed sides and became even more extreme.
The progressive party was successful in getting congress to pass and the states to ratify the seventeenth amendment on april 8, 1913, which allowed for the direct election of u.s. senators by the voters themselves, substituting Article I, Section 3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the constitution, in which the Senate was elected by the State Legislatures.
5 types of myth dragons:
1. the rainbow serpent
2. Apalala
3. Apep
4. Apophis
5. Azazel
(I hope these helped)
"mi casa es tu casa" is how you spell it