servant leadership
A servant leader focuses primarily on the growth and well being of people and communities to which they belong. The leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop to their fullest potential.
How Malcolm could have demonstrated servant leadership:
- Focus on serving employees’ needs
- Develop employees to unleash potential in them
- Coach and encourage others to participate in organizational activities
- Create enabling work environment for personal growth and maximum participation by all.
Move away from self –serving, domineering leadership to respect, value and motivate subordinates
Determining that smartphone apps and social media aps are important parts of a bank's future plans to reach young consumers. ⇒ <u>New Product Strategy.</u>
Tweeting out the availability of a new smartphone app that helps young professionals manage their financial lives better. ⇒ <u>Product launch.</u>
Inviting younger "fans" of the bank's social media sites to have a free trial of the new smartphone app. ⇒ <u>Test marketing. </u>
Having a Faceb-ook discussion with consumers on what they would ideally like to have from a bank smartphone app. ⇒<u> Idea generation.</u>
Creating a prototype of the smartphone app. ⇒<u> Product development. </u>
Using Tw-itter to ask followers what they are willing to pay for smartphone apps. ⇒ <u>Business analysis. </u>
Developing a social media site that allows college students to review and provide feedback on new product ideas. ⇒<u> Idea screening. </u>
The main points of a speech are the major ideas that you will relay to receivers through your speech. This is the important point you want the audience to bear in mind. This is the primary purpose <span>of your speech. This is the backbone of your talk that you believe would be useful for the audience. The main points usually </span>have<span> these three basic needs – the claim, the explanation, and the evidence. You want to claim something so you are going to explain it to your audience. In order to persuade your audience, you will be providing evidences supporting your claims.</span>
Price is the value that is put into a product or service As a result of lots of calculations, research, understanding, and risk-taking. A pricing strategy, on the other hand, is the smart way a company makes in order to target and attract customers. There are four pricing strategies:
<span>1. </span>Premium pricing
<span>2. </span>Penetration pricing
<span>3. </span>Economy pricing and
<span>4. </span>Skimming pricing
Premium pricing and skimming strategy both use a high price while penetration pricing and economy pricing use a low price. <span>
<span>When Dillard company reduced the price of children’s Levis from $31.99 to $24.99, the used the penetration pricing. And when the manager of Jenney instructed his staff to do the same, he used the penetration pricing strategy also to attract customers. </span></span>