Answer: France and the U.S
Explanation: This is my first time doing a answer so yeah but i think this is correct
Well, I wouldn't think about anything at first until things started happening, like the president and the vice president dying. I would be a little nervouse depending on whats happening, I would try my best to fufill my duties.
During the migration, there were many new jobs available for African Americans, but most are very dangerous and could result in fatal outcomes. Female African Americans had a more difficult time finding work, having competitions against others just for mere labor work. As a result of the migration, blacks ended up creating their own suburbs and cities, a lot being in New York. The outcome was ultimately good, as the African Americans had increasing political activism along with more jobs.
Cortés was appointed as governor of New Spain. Still, he didn't have success there as after rebellion started against him in Honduras, he was removed from the position although he wen to Spain to ask king's grace.
Cortes managed to basically destroy Aztecs with around 500 people. This led to death of last ruler Montezuma, and to capture the city of Tenochtitlán. This great civilization basically was extinguished and Spaniards managed to conquer the larger portion of New World.
This is off a website BTW
Put simply the United States did not concern itself with events and alliances in Europe and thus stayed out of the war. Wilson was firmly opposed to war, and believed that the key aim was to ensure peace, not only for the United States but across the world.