The nonsensical poetry of Through the Looking-Glass highlights how difficult it is for the characters to communicate with each other.It is especially significant that nursery rhymes come true after Alice recites them.I think that Alice needs to stop arguing with the characters she meets in the Looking-Glass land and just accept the rules.The strange characters of the Looking-Glass World emphasize its peculiarity.Because Alice is an outsider, she has many difficulties navigating through and understanding the rules of the Looking-Glass land.Alice matures on her journey through the Looking-Glass land; for example, she learns to control her emotions.
You know that this is a way for people to just take the points right and yes it would be a onomatopoeia because it gives you the sound of the wood burning.
Just Google this, tons of good answers there. Just don’t plagiarize, it can be obvious and get you in trouble.
Also for future reference, very little amount of people will write you a whole essay for 5 points lol.
Good luck though dude