Changes in the amount of sea ice can disrupt normal ocean circulation, thereby leading to changes in global climate. Even a small increase in temperature can lead to greater warming over time, making the polar regions the most sensitive areas to climate change on Earth
Transcription is the first part of protein synthesis and translation is the second part. The process you are looking for is translation.
B. Base pairing occurs within an RNA molecule to give RNA the three-dimensional shape needed for specific functions.
Ribonucleic acid, known as RNA, is a type of nucleic acid found in living systems. In opposition to the other type of nucleic acid (DNA), RNA is a short single stranded molecule. Both DNA and RNA are made of nucleotides, composed of a phosphate group, nitrogenous bases and a pentose sugar.
The presence of ribose sugar and Uracil base in RNA instead of deoxyribose sugar and thymine base respectively structurally differentiates the molecule from DNA. However, base pairing occurs within the RNA molecule to form the three-dimensional shape of the RNA, which is key to the specificity of its function.
as causas de las extinción de una especie pueden ser muchas, como la destrucción de su hábitat natural, la caza o captura de animales exóticos, la contaminación, la deforestación (la desaparición de los bosques por la tala de árboles) o el cambio climático, que son consecuencia de la intervención de los seres humanos. Aunque esto también puede relacionarse con distintos fenómenos naturales como inundaciones, incendios, o la llegada de enfermedades.
En algunas ocasiones y por diferentes motivos, las especies de animales empiezan a desaparecer, y esto se conoce como extinción. A pesar de que escuchamos esta palabra muy a menudo, alguna vez te has preguntado, ¿por qué una especie se extingue y qué pasa cuando esto sucede?
A. Layer A is the troposphere and Layer B is thermosphere
The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere. THis is where all life life resides and where weather occurs as well. It contains the air we breathe. As we go higher in the troposphere, the temperature goes down.
The thermosphere is part of our atmosphere but it is very high up and considered to be part of outerspace as well. It is heated up by the UV rays and X-rays that it absorbs.