Expansion of the united states of America from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast
By Marcus Hawkins
Updated March 17, 2019
Quite often, those on the left of the political spectrum dismiss political conservative ideology as the product of religious fervor.
At first blush, this makes sense. After all, the conservative movement is populated by people of faith. Christians, Evangelicals, and Catholics tend to embrace the key aspects of conservatism, which include limited government, fiscal discipline, free enterprise, a strong national defense, and traditional family values. This is why many conservative Christians side with Republicanism politically. The Republican Party is most associated with championing these conservative values.
Romans thought that family was nothing. They though it lowest of the low, and that children didn't have to respect their parents. However the biblical view of family is that it matters. That it is important. Children should respect their parents. Two very different views.
The Federalist Papers were written to convince Americans to approve the U.S. Constitution.
Okay this was actually funny I have a joke aswell
why did the chicken cross the road to see the idiot on the other side knock knock whos there the chicken also another joke I wont get brainliest because im a joke :(