c) What could have been the intention of the painters and the author of the comic book when producing them? Remember that it is important to consider the nature of the works.
B. Late adulthood (ages 65 and up)
People in this stage who don't feel a sense of accomplishment when they look back on their life may fall into despair. When that happens, they tend to focus more on regrets.
Striga un om din departare.
Auzeau doar ce voiau.
Nu fii timid, zambeste.
Elibereaza toata creativitatea din tine.
La toamna vor zbura toate pasarile
This is C because every other answer doesn’t portray correct pronouns or grammar
I think the correct answer is:
1. Condemnare sentence or blame
2. Fidare trust
3. Scandalum cause of offense
4. Sophia wisdom