I think its The prime minister is considered the Governor-General.
Answer:Emotional health
Explanation:Emotional health refers to how healthy one is in overall, in all aspect of one's life . A person who is emotional healthy is able to regulate and monitor their thoughts , feelings and behaviors. They are able to face challenges effectively and confidently find ways to cope with those challenges. They deal with setback effectively and are able to recover from them.
Try reading the book, I know that will have ALL of the answers you will need to be successful.
What is art?
Can we apply our concept of art to art of the past?
Can we apply our concept of art to art of different cultures? Is there one correct standard for judging art?
The problem of waste can be tackled in many ways, such as:
producing less waste (the most important way of reducing waste)
reusing the objects rather than throwing them away after one use
recycling the objects that have to be thrown away
so all the options are correct - all of the above!