Answer:This national park was originally established on February 3, 1909 by a decree issued by the US President Theodore Roosevelt under the name "Olypmus Mountain National Monument" at a location of 2,586.75 km². [1] But the successive US presidents issued additional decrees to amend and reduce this area to satisfy certain special interests: President William Taft on March 4, 1912, Woodrow Wilson (1,267.79 km²) on November 5, 1915, and July 1, 1929. da Calvin Coolidge.
In order to force these changes, its status as a national park was changed by the President of the USA, Franklin D. Roosevelt, on June 29, 1938, with a law permit issued from the US Congress. In 1976, the Olympic National Park was designated as the International Biomass Reserve and its international importance was recognized. It was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1981 [2]. In 1988, the US Congress accepted 95% of this national park to qualify an electoral land area as Olympic Wildlife Areas and protected it by stricter measures than the conservation requirements provided for the national parks
England (of course) !!!!!!!
The best answer for this question would be:
Geography and climate determined what kind of crops would be grown, leading to differing structures for economies and settlements.
The settlement of the different colonies were determined by the chosen environment that they were going to live at.
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hey..As I know it was November 9, 1989