A girl heard her mom yell her name from downstairs, so she got up and started to head down. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into the room and said “ I heard that, too”. As the moment she saw her mum’s face she realised she was wearing a donut mask, she tried pulling it but it was all slimy and stuck like super glue. She started to breathe heavily as she started to suffocate, and there she saw the bloody, drenched mon..
I hope this helps. LOl
It would be too obvious for me to write the entire letter for you, but I'll include a list of points that you could include in your own writing style:
* Thanking Lee for his letter, and saying that you are happy that he is having a good time.
* Telling him roughly what you're studying at school (without being boring).
* Write about what you would like to do when you leave school.
* Finally, say that you miss him a lot and look forward to hearing from him soon.
Juliet was in a world or love romance and red. She was in love
Do you have a screen shot of the poem?