Red eyes: Ee/EE
White eyes: ee
EE: red eyes
Ee: red eyes
ee: white eyes
If a child can’t rely on his carers to look after him and respond consistently, this has been noted to have potentially very serious and damaging consequences for the adult that child will become. If adults are seriously inconsistent or unresponsive in their behaviour to the child, he may become very anxious as he is not able to predict how the adults around him will act; the child may even give up trying to get his needs met.Children whose caregivers respond sensitively to the child’s needs at times of distress and fear in infancy and early childhood develop secure attachments to their primary caregivers. These children can also use their caregivers as a secure base from which to explore their environment. They have better outcomes than non-securely attached children in social and emotional development, educational achievement and mental health. Early attachment relations are thought to be crucial for later social relationships and for the development of capacities for emotional and stress regulation, self-control and metallisation…
Meat such as bacon, and generally pork, can be a great source of B12 vitamin that helps you metabolize food, as well as Iron and Zync, which can help you in healing and recuperating.
<span>Well the Dutch were the 1st country to recognize the colonies and being a major seafaring trader helped keep a starved and under supplied colonial army from late 1776 on,the French as a nation sold weapons and granted loans and towards the end landed an army used their fleet to run off the british and trapped Cornwallis at Yorktown,French citizens also volunteered to train the American army ,most notably LaFayette but there were many.Those are the only ones i know of but you have to understand that the world didn't exist as it did today their wasn't anything over here as far as nations that could assist and European nations were the only ones who could really be expected to have any interest so having French and Dutch assistance to of the biggest powers in Europe was really pretty good</span>
I think its the system cell mah dude in other words its the T-CELL