I would say that the consequence of abstaining and not having sex as a teenager would be that someone who abstains does not end up prematurely pregnant or exposed to STI's and STD's from sexual partners, seeing as they have none. This also allows a person to mentally mature and become an adult before that becomes a concern.
1.some benefits of breast feeding for babies are are stronger immune system’s and fewer colds and respiratory diseases.
1. Medium-range training involves periods of 10 to 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise at
90 to 100 percent TI. This training is a type of “racing” workout. LSD training is an activity
that’s performed at a low intensity and can be sustained indefinitely. It teaches the body
to burn fat and creates endurance. LSD training should exceed 30 minutes.
2. The starter phase allows the body to get used to the idea of exercise and to avoid soreness
and injury, and it allows individuals time to experiment until they find the program
that works best for them.