Students should have to have a certain amount of community service hours to graduate. For one, it would help the community, of course. Second, the students would learn about helping the community. And it would make graduating a little bit more of a challenge, so not just anyone can graduate. If doing community service was mandatory to graduate many people would benefit.
Answer: disagree
Reasoning: Teachers can proved help that computers can't, as teachers can understand what the student needs help with and motived the student. While computers can understand what the student with teachers can only provide a personalized teaching to the student.
The army marched to safety, perpetuating the myth of a sneeze's power.
This line of the passage reveals that the Greeks had certain superstitions about sneezes that amounted to adoring them as a superhuman power that brought good fortune.
While there was no substantial evidence to prove that sneezes were indeed good luck charms or signs, the myth was perpetrated by the happenstance occurrence of a sneeze during a speech and the successful march of the army following the choice of a new commander.
The most important rule of survival Brian learned in Chapter 8 was that "feeling sorry for yourself didn't work..It wasn't just that it was wrong to do, or that it was considered incorrect. It was more than that - it didn't work".
When someone suggests something that is incorrect and they act as if they know they are right , you might be scornful of them.