I don’t know the second one but I think the first one is The Magna Carta
A. Ideologies of the justices and B. evolving attitudes.
“Immigrant” has become a kind of epithet these days, and not only in France. Everywhere in Europe, and also in the United States, immigrants are blamed for all manner of problems: crime, unemployment, disease, the deterioration of public services, the exhaustion of public funds, threats to liberal culture and mores. Right-wing populist politicians in nearly every country of the Western Hemisphere appeal to voters with plans to cleanse the national body of these impure invaders, to expel them, to build walls to keep them out.
It depends on what time period you are referencing with African immigrants. Back in the 1500s, African people came to the Americas because of Slave Trade, but later on, they came to the United States under their own free will. Slave Trade forced African people on ships into the Americas, in which they stayed as slaves or did forced labor in a harsh system.
In the 1900s and later on, African immigrants came to America to seek asylum or safety in the United States because of problems going on in their countries. For example, in Rwanda, in the 1990s, there was some major problems going on such as genocide (mass killing of people) and some people came over to America to escape these hardships.
Also, another way they are different would be their culture that they brought. Their influence of music and African culture was very different as compared to other cultures from Europe.
Real gross domestic product<span> (</span>GDP<span>) is an </span>inflation-adjusted<span> measure that reflects the value of all goods and services produced by an economy in a given year, expressed in base-year prices, and is often referred to as "constant-price," "</span>inflation<span>-corrected" </span>GDP<span> or "constant dollar </span>GDP<span>."</span>