Your Social security number .
- Personal information is the information of. a person.
- It includes The name,Address,number etc of the person .
- the PAN,Debit and credit card number is also included .
1. accessing content from some knowledge base.
2. picking words and connecting them to form sentences.
3. setting the tone and style of the sentence.
4. mapping the sentence plan into sentence structure.
Natural language generation can be defined as a part of artificial intelligence (AI) which typically involves developing responses by an AI in order to enable the computer engage in a useful conversation.
This ultimately implies that, the computer has to generate meaningful data (phrases and sentences) from the internal database.
Basically, the steps involved in natural language generation in a chronological order are listed below;
1. Text planning: accessing content from some knowledge base.
2. Picking words and connecting them to form sentences
3. Sentence planning: setting the tone and style of the sentence.
4. Text realization: mapping the sentence plan into sentence structure.
Agile follows a non-linear process, unlike conventional project management, which focuses more on teamwork, cooperation, and versatility, as opposed to a strict sequence of activities.Agile project management takes an iterative approach to project management, which time-boxes tasks into fast sprints.
#section 1
def maxTemp(filename):
import pathlib
f = pathlib.Path(filename)
if f.exists():
f = open(filename, "r")
#section 2
res = [int(sub.split(',')[1]) for sub in f]
maxdata = (res[0])
for i in range(len(res)-1):
if maxdata < res[i]:
maxdata = res[i]
index = res.index(maxdata)
#section 3
li = []
a = open(filename, "r")
for line in a:
line = line.strip()
return (li[index+1])
return -1
#section 1:
The function maxTemp is defined. We import pathlib in other to check if the file exists, if it does we carry on with opening the file and if it doesn't the program returns -1.
#section 2:
We start splitting the sub-lists from the second line i.e <em>next(f)</em>. For each line we take the second index element and convert it to an integer.
<em>res = [int(sub.split(',')[1]) for sub in f]
The maximum number is gotten by using the if statement to compare all elements in the list. The index of the maximum item in the list is collected.
the file is then closed.
#section 3 :
The file is re-opened and all the lines are striped and passed into a new list and the index recovered from section 2, is used to get the day with the highest temperature and the line is returned.
Clipper Chip Kerberos National Information Infrastructure (NII)
The Clipper chip was developed by the NSA (National Security Agency) for enciphering and deciphering messages. It was promoted for voice transmission in telecommunications companies. The Clipper chip was announced in 1993, not all consumers and manufacturers embraced it and only last to 1996.