It fosters friendly relations between its members, it solves international problems and promotes human rights, and it harmonizes its members' actions.
Formation of Earth and our Solar system
The subject is devotional songs and the infinite verb is singing
Why Farmland is Abandoned:
As groundwater pumping increased, water tables dropped, requiring pumping from deeper levels and at greater costs. Because of the increased cost, irrigation became prohibitively expensive. Farms thus were abandoned as unprofitable, especially in Cochise and Pinal counties.
Latitude is basically the measurement of distance on a map of the earth's surface location of north or south of the Equator which is expressed in angular measurements from 0 degrees at the Equator to 90 degrees (i.e 90° North or 90° South). Latitudes are used interwoven with longitude.
Latitude can impact our lives in various ways:
Help in pinpointing the exact location of each point on the earth which allows human beings to know where we are.
Helps in determining the climatic situation of a region due to their geographic location
Extremely important for/in GPS
Helps in determining times (zone)and dates
Extremely useful for many fields that deal with the earth and outer space to some extent such as astronomy in their astronomical observations, geologist, etc, and sailors to navigate.