#1: Bacteria are like eukaryotic cells in that they have cytoplasm, ribosomes, and a plasma membrane. Features that distinguish a bacterial cell from a eukaryotic cell include the circular DNA of the nucleoid, the lack of membrane-bound organelles, the cell wall of peptidoglycan, and flagella. #2: Archaea have more complex RNA polymerases than Bacteria, similar to Eucarya. Unlike bacteria, archaea cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan. Archaea have different membrane lipid bonding from bacteria and eukarya. There are genetic differences. #10: Bacteria are classified into 5 groups according to their basic shapes: spherical (cocci), rod (bacilli), spiral (spirilla), comma (vibrios) or corkscrew (spirochaetes). They can exist as single cells, in pairs, chains or clusters. #12: Bacteria reproduce .In this process the bacterium, which is a single cell, divides into two identical daughter cells. Binary fission begins when the DNA of the bacterium divides into two (replicates). Each daughter cell is a clone of the parent cell. #13: Pathogenic bacteria are bacteria that can cause disease. ... One of the bacterial diseases with the highest disease burden is tuberculosis, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which kills about 2 million people a year, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. Infection with a pathogen does not necessarily lead to disease. Infection occurs when viruses, bacteria, or other microbes enter your body and begin to multiply.Pathogenic microbes challenge the immune system in many ways. Viruses make us sick by killing cells or disrupting cell function. #14: Antibiotics work by affecting things that bacterial cells have but human cells don't. For example, human cells do not have cell walls, while many types of bacteria do. The antibiotic penicillin works by keeping a bacterium from building a cell wall. HOPE I HELPED I Don’t NO #11
Genes are typically hundreds or thousands of base pairs in length because they code for proteins made of hundreds or thousands of amino acids. Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins.
Scientists often perform experiments to check and recheck their work. They also redo these experiments to ensure correct results.
ln most cases inorder to obtain the mass of a liquid one measures the mass of both the liquid and the container it is in and after wards remeasures the container alone and later subtract the mass of the container alone from the total mass of both the container and the liquid
The correct answer is: the nervous system, brain, and eyes.
Arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that have great nutritional value, as they are omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, respectively, meaning they are essential fats that cannot be produced by the body and, therefore, need to be part of the diet.
The consumption of ARA and DHA has been directly linked to the development of the brain and the retina, and the inclusion of these fatty acids in the nutrition of infants has been proven to be extremely beneficial to their growth.
Besides their functions in the development of the nervous system and the eyes, ARA and DHA play a role in maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing cardiovascular conditions.