It allows scientists to challenge inaccuracies information.
it’s more likely due the brown alele is dominant.
But it depends on the genotype, because she can be a carrier of the blue gene. In the simplest models of eye color, there are two genes involed (this is a simplified model).
Gene 1 there are two possibilities brown or blue. The brown version of the gene 1 is dominant over the blue one. Dominant means is if a least 1 of your copies is brown. then you will have brown eyes.
Gene 2. there are two possibilities, green or blue. Green is dominant over blue,
Its true I guess.............................
Well, considering that seagulls, bears, and cows are warm blooded mammals, and spiders are arachnids with an exoskeleton, I'm willing to bet that spiders are ectothermic. And isn't the word exothermic?
<span>True predation is when a predator kills and eats its prey. Some predators of this type, such as jaguars, kill large prey. They tear it apart and chew it before eating it. Others, like bottlenose dolphins or snakes, may eat their prey whole. In some cases, the prey dies in the mouth or the digestive system of the predator. Baleen whales, for example, eat millions of plankton at once. The prey is digested afterward. True predators may hunt actively for prey, or they may sit and wait for prey to get within striking distance.
In grazing , the predator eats part of the prey but does not usually kill it. You may have seen cows grazing on grass. The grass they eat grows back, so there is no real effect on the population. In the ocean, kelp (a type of seaweed) can regrow after being eaten by fish.</span>