The answer to this question is the term Data Dictionary. A Data Dictionary or also known as metadata repository is a set of information that is stored which contains data, meanings, and values. The data dictionary can be used as a tool for communication between the stakeholders.
All of them execpt five and three.
It is okay to have social media and receive messages.
Minerals can form deep inside earth's crust by the crystallization of melted materials. There are two ways on how minerals are formed: crystallization of melted materials and the crystallization of materials dissolved in water.
Hope this helps!
Given the code snippet below:
- while (inputFile.hasNextLine()) {
- String word = "";
- String line = inputFile.nextLine();
- Scanner words = new Scanner(line);
- while (words.hasNext()) {
- word =;
- }
- System.out.println(word); }
- }
We have a inputFile Scanner object that can read data from a text file and we presume the inputFile has read several rows of data from the text file. So long as there is another line of input data available, the outer while loop will keep running. In each outer loop, one line of data will be read and assign to line variable (Line 3). Next, there is another Scanner object, words, which will take the current line of data as input. To get the last word of that line, we can use hasNext() method. This method will always return true if there is another tokens in its input. So the inner while loop will keep running so long as there is a token in current line of data and assign the current token to word variable. The word will hold the last token of current line of data upon exit from the inner loop. Then we can print the output (Line 8) which is the last word of the current line of data.
Java provide all the ADTs you need,therefore you do not need to create any newones.
This statement is not true.
ADTs are those data types which we use but we didn't know their inner working that is how it is working what is happening inside.It is commonly used for Data Structures for example:- In stack we use push and pop operations to insert and to delete element from a stack respectively but we didn't know how it is happening inside.How the stack is implemented and etc.Java provides most of the ADT's but not all.