In Chapter 28 of Moby-ick, the ailment of mankind which is best symbolized by Ahab’s plight is <u> obsession with the past.</u>
One of the important theme in the novel “Moby-ick” is about the relationship between nature and man. The novel is about a man, Ahab, who goes out in the natural world to disturb the balance of nature by killing the animals. Though at the end of the novel, it is the nature who remains unchanged and the man has to witness a failure.
Was cancelled due to weather.
had a heart wrenching new episode on live tv.
now is being made into a movie.
is about a post apocalyptic war zone.
is Tom and Jerry.
I mean, I might not be able to display what you learned, but I'll list some of the things the community has learned throughout the past year.
-Be cautious, and wash your hands. Some viruses are deadly.
-We should never take things for granted. People don't usually sanitize and, they take the environment for granted, not knowing the consequences.
-Despite the difficulty of online learning, you are not alone because everyone is online too.
-Staying sanitized keeps you away from sickness.
Despite suffering and trauma, the year 2020 has also taught many things to all of us. Several lessons that I learned from the virus and the community. The first thing I have learned was to be cautious and sanitary because we never know when it all might come to a disaster. People's lives might end because they weren't sanitary. Despite the difficulty, we are all in this together. Everyone is struggling with online learning, too. And finally, staying sanitized keeps you away from sickness. Ever since others were aware of germs, I don't think we have gotten sick or caught a cold this year.